The Youth Entrepreneurship Society dedicates itself to community service and demonstrates leadership in volunteering opportunities. On November 2022, YES members gathered together to take care of an essential part of our community: the elderly. After making Thanksgiving cards in the November YES meeting, the members started out by handing out cards to all the seniors, supporting a compassionate and festive mood. The members prepared cooked food, homemade cakes, and Chinese cultural performances (the senior center had a majority of Chinese residents) to remind the elderly of the nostalgic past and express how they are valued in the present by YES-the future.
The seniors were kind and welcoming: taking pictures with members and singing along to the performed songs. There was an abundance of foods such as grilled chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, and homemade cakes, generously made and brought by YES members and the PTA. The Bake With Purpose, an organization led by our YES members Olivia Xiao and Sally Wang, baked three cakes for the celebratory birthdays of three seniors. Throughout the volunteering event, musical performances such as violin compositions and traditional Chinese songs were presented at the senior center causing a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
YES wanted to remind the elderly that they are valued and cared for.
This volunteering event shows our appreciation for the elderly, who are respected as mentors and are essential in the community.
This will be one of the many YES volunteering opportunities. Leadership starts with caring for those around us and volunteering service is a great way to become involved in the community.