Welcoming A New Decade!
By: Amy Tian
Sun. Dec. 29th-- The Youth Entrepreneur Society celebrates the start of a bright new year.
Because Dallas enjoyed a warm winter this year, the YES leadership board arranged an ice-skating activity for the annual Holiday Party, as well as an icebreaker between members new and old.
Usually dressed in formal business suits, YES members enjoyed a relaxing day wearing holiday clothing at the Allen Community Ice Rink. The person who wore the most festive costume won a Starbucks gift card as a prize.
YES members, bundled up in cozy sweaters, spent two hours in the rink and bonded with club members. When members desired a break, they would tread to the photo booth, where props were aligned. The photo booth acted as a means for fundraising, with all proceedings going to YES.
As one decade comes to an end, another one opens up with more opportunities. YES will achieve many great deeds in 2020.